Schedule Consultation: 517-282-9498

Location: 935 Charlevoix Dr. Grand Ledge

Glycolic Peel

The benefits of undergoing a glycolic peel seem endless. Glycolic acid is derived from sugarcane and is the smallest molecular alpha hydroxy available- which means it pentrates deep to reform texture and dullness. It also stimulates natural collagen production, along with diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time. It’s much more than an anti-aging product though, glycolic acid also lightens discolorations such as sun and age spots. It can even help skin that’s prone to blackheads, whiteheads and acne- by keeping pores clear of old skin that tends to clog them. Makeup can be worn immediately after. It is suggested to avoid direct sun exposure for 5-7 days post, as well as any topical products containing alpha/beta hydroxy acids or retinoids.

PRICING: Glycolic Acid Facial- $85 face & neck

Click here to schedule an appointment or call our Grand Ledge Office: 517-282-9498