Areola Pigmentation
Areola Pigmentation
If you’ve had a mastectomy or another type of breast surgery, or if you have irregular, fading, of faded areola, Kendra can restore or enhance the look of your breasts. And, for many women and men, that translates to restored confidence. Areola pigmentation is a specialty area of permanent cosmetics, sometimes referred to as a paramedical procedure. It requires advanced education, extensive training, and experience. That’s especially true with today’s techniques, which produce astonishingly realistic results.WHY THE AREOLA PIGMENTATION?
The application of flesh-colored pigments to the restored areas of the areola is a less invasive supplement or alternative to skin-grafting , which for many years was the only available method of restoring coloration to the area. The process of areola pigmentation is a careful one and takes several visits to obtain the desired final result. Try out one of the most revolutionary and safe innovations in beauty, by scheduling a consultation with Kendra today!
Click here to schedule an appointment or call our Grand Ledge Office: 517-282-9498